Livin’ “Dat Expat Life”: Monthly Recap #1…

As of today, I have officially been living in España for a little over a month–it is truly crazy how the time has been flying!!…

So, this post essentially amounts to an “In Case You Missed It” regarding my first month of “Dat Expat Life”…

The Arrival/Rough Adjustment:

As I wrote previously, I had a less-than-smooth arrival to ZGZ capital…The first week and a half getting settled in and sorted was stressful, to say the least–but, things have gotten SIGNIFICANTLY better since then: I’ve made some friends, gotten myself orientated the city/know more-or-less which buses and tram routes to ride, and have been adjusting to being an adult foreign national–with a bank card, I.D. #, and everything!!…


Getting To Know My City:

I’ve spent these past few weeks becoming acquainted with my new, wonderful surroundings–I’ve even started a new post series focusing on the many marvelous sights in Zaragoza, as well as one where I highlight “The Tapa of the Week”!!…

That Trip Where I Almost Died:

Going on 3 weeks ago, I went with a group of Erasmus students on an excursion to Huesca Province…Our first stop, Loarre Castle, was quite lovely…Our second stop, Riglos, was where I had what was the WORST hiking experience of my life up until this point, what with struggling with dehydration/maintaining my footing and balance on a path where the ground was less-than-firm/even–but, at least I got some good photos out of it!!…

Enjoying the Fiestas:

Two Fridays ago, the whole town was caught up in “Las Fiestas del Pilar”, a week-and-a-half-long celebration of the Virgen del Pilar, which happens to coincide with the celebration of Colón (Columbus)’s “discovery” of the Americas…I’ll most def have a post with more deets in a few weeks, but until then, enjoy some pics!!…

Starting Work

I officially started my job as an auxiliar at the EOI #1 on the 6th of this month, and I am so grateful that I have been blessed with some very kind, helpful coworkers…Oh, yeah–and the students have been awesome, too!!

So, to all my fellow [n00b] expats out there–what’s happened in your life this month???…

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6 thoughts on “Livin’ “Dat Expat Life”: Monthly Recap #1…

  1. Hi! I’m visiting from the Daily Diaries link up. Wow! Seems like you’ve accomplished SO much in your first month, so congratulations! I’ve never been to spain but you’re photos are making it very tempting…

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