Touring Oireland: Day 3…

…Oh, what a glorious day it was here in Oireland–the sun was out and everything!!…It just made my little outing that more lovely, :-)…

You see, today we had another excursion–this time, we went to the Connemara region of County Galway…One of the things that Connemara is famous for is its beautiful, jade-colored marble, which is often used in jewelry and figurines–something that definitely makes for good presents [hint, hint, Mommy and Aunties, :-)]…


…Different shades of marble found throughout Ireland…

After seeing the precious stone, we headed towards Kylemore Abbey…The Abbey’s grounds consist of a main castle, 13, 000 acres of landscape (including walled, Victorian gardens), and a small, Neo-Gothic chapel… Continue reading “Touring Oireland: Day 3…”

Touring Oireland: Day 2…

…So, we had our first concert today!!…It was in Galway Cathedral (real name: Cathedral of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven & St. Nicholas), which is the most recently-built cathedral I’ve been in, as of yet…Consecrated in 1965, it’s the seat of the Bishop of the Diocese of Galway, and was built on the site of the old city prison…That’s about all I could find out about it, really…

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…Shrine to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

After the show, we essentially had the rest of the day to ourselves to explore Galway… Continue reading “Touring Oireland: Day 2…”