Touring Toledo…

O.K., so today we spent a good deal of time in Toledo…Known as Toletum in the days of Ancient Rome, Toledo is a small city (82,500 residents) known as La Ciudad Imperial (The Imperial City), because it was where Carlos V lived with his court…It’s also known as La Ciudad de las Tres Culturas (The City of the Three Cultures) because of the historical coexistence of Muslims, Jews, and Catholics…

So, here’s a look at some of what I’ve seen today…Like I pointed out in the last post, in a lot of the places I’ve been to, photography is prohibited, so I’ll try to make some good use of Internet pics!!!!…

Well first, I have to give props to the actual city itself, which is magnificent…









Continue reading “Touring Toledo…”

One Day More…

It’s not what you think–I didn’t steal the title of one of the best songs in Les Miserables for the title of this post (and it’s just coincidence that I’ve just come back from seeing it for the 3rd time [2nd time in Spain])…What I’m referring to is my first official excursion with the group that starts tomorrow…


…As you can see, Marius Pontmercy here approves… Continue reading “One Day More…”