Zesty Zaragoza: La Aljafería…

For this week’s addition of Zesty Zaragoza, I take you to an exemplary work of mudéjar (Moorish-lite) architecture–which, coincidentally, is only 3 minutes away from my house!!–La Aljafería…


According to Wikipedia, the Aljafería was built in the latter half of the 11th-century as the residence for the Banu Hud dynasty during the era of Abu Jaffar Al-Muqtadir (Al + Jaffar= Aljafería)…After the capture of Zaragoza by Alfonso I of Aragón in 1118, it became the seat of Aragón’s Catholic monarchs for centuries before becoming a palace for Fernando and Isabel–Spain’s first monarchs–in 1492…These days, the Aljafería serves as the house for the Cortes, Aragón’s legislative assembly…




…Inside the chamber of the Reyes Católicos, Fernando and Isabel…




Have you been to the Aljafería???…What is your favorite mudéjar structure???…

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16 thoughts on “Zesty Zaragoza: La Aljafería…

  1. Pingback: Zesty Zaragoza: Las Fiestas Del Pilar… | The Pumpkin's Head

  2. Pingback: Livin’ “Dat Expat Life”: Monthly Recap #2… | The Pumpkin's Head

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